Mechelen, Belgium

Welcome to my main website.

This is the portal website to some of my passions.
But before you can click to one of my websites, i need to tell you about the most important passion in my life Heidi. I call here POPPEKE, there is no translation for this word in english, but you could translate this as Little doll. She is a spicy little lady of 1m50 and for almost 15 years the glue that hold my live together, she supports me in most things i do, I love her so much.

3D Modelere & Printer

Since 2021 i started 3D modeling and printing.
You can follow my 3D adventurers on


Photography is my third passion, it is a very close to my second passion ICT, actually both these passions are a perfect combination. Below you find the link to my Photography website (dutch)


ICT is my second passion  and this for the last 30 years or so.
I also blog about ICT stuff on my ICT website, where unfortunately I have a proble, during the webhost move something went terribly wrong, it took a while to resolve this, but since 03/08/2019 i’m blogging again.

Web Design

And then you have my fourth passion, webdesig.
Most my websites are made/designed in Workpress or Drupal. But occasionally I make something in PHP or even HTML. Like this website is based on Workpress, but with a some of custom made PHP modifications.


Contact Me

If for some odd reason you want to contact me, fill in the form below and press submit.